Internship and Period of Assessment

The Dentists Registration (Amendment) Bill 2024 was passed at the Legislative Council on 10 July 2024. The amendments including the provisions on provisional registration, amongst others, will come into operation on 1 April 2025. Upon commencement of the relevant provisions, local dental graduates and non-locally trained dentists who have passed the Licensing Examination of the Dental Council and have satisfactorily completed internship or period of assessment respectively under the provisional registration mechanism can apply for full registration.


According to section 8A of the Dentists Registration Ordinance, a person who has been awarded a bachelor degree in dentistry awarded by a university in Hong Kong specified in Schedule 1 of the Ordinance and wishes to be awarded a certificate of experience under section 8C of the Ordinance is required to complete internship (normally lasting for 12 months) for the purpose of obtaining full registration.

Note: (1) The University of Hong Kong is specified in Schedule 1 of the Ordinance.

Period of Assessment

According to section 8B of the Dentists Registration Ordinance, a person who has passed the Licensing Examination and wishes to be awarded a certificate of experience is required to complete the period of assessment (normally lasting for 12 months) for the purpose of obtaining full registration.