Licensing Examination

Details of the Licensing Examination - Part II – Practical Test

The Practical Test is designed to test the candidate’s manual dexterity and professional competence. Candidates must have passed Part I Written Test before applying to take Part II Practical Test & Part III Clinical Examination. The Practical test comprises the following sections -

  1. Conservative Dentistry
  2. Paediatric Dentistry & Orthodontics
  3. Prosthodontics
  4. Periodontology
  5. Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery

The Practical Test is usually conducted at the Prince Phillips Dental Hospital. Candidates can answer in English or Cantonese (choice to be made in the application form). No last minute change of language preference will be allowed.

Candidates shall not put on, or bring into the Simulation Laboratory any clothing or articles, such as name badges or logos, that will reveal their identity, their country or origin and/or the dental school that they attended. Offenders will be identified and warned.

The use of Personal Protection Equipment (“PPE”) is mandatory in any simulated clinical tests that involves the use of the phantom head in Part II of this examination. Candidates may select whatever PPE of their choice available at the entrance before entering the Simulation Laboratory.

All or any of the sections may be accompanied by a viva voce examination.

For those tests involving the use of the phantom head, the “patient” must be adjusted to a safe and realistic position, akin to the clinical setting. This element will form part of the assessment.

Partial Pass Policy

Candidates who fail in one or more sections in the Part II Practical Test will be allowed to re-sit those unsuccessful section(s) only, while retaining partial results for the successful ones. Candidates will be allowed to retain partial results for four diets or four years, whichever occurs first. This condition applies to the partial pass result obtained in Part II of the LE in 2015 or after. However, the retention of a pass is subject to the condition that the Dental Council of Hong Kong may prohibit any applicant from sitting the Licensing Examination if that applicant has sat any one part of the Licensing Examination 5 times and has failed each time.