Licensing Examination

Details of the Licensing Examination - Part III – Clinical Examination

The Clinical Examination consists of the following 3 sections -

Sections Format
(i) Paediatric Dentistry and Orthodontics Multiple choice questions
(ii) Conservative Dentistry, Periodontology, Prosthodontics Structured viva voce examination. No live patients will be involved.
(iii) Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery

The Clinical Examination is designed to test the candidate’s ability to apply his professional knowledge to clinical situations particularly in diagnosis, treatment planning and treatment in the following –

(a) restoration of teeth;

(b) diagnosis and treatment of periodontal conditions;

(c) aspects of prosthodontic treatment provision;

(d) surgical management of patients; and

(e) diagnosis, treatment planning, and management of infants, children, and adolescents

Partial Pass Policy

Candidates will be allowed to retain partial results for four diets or four years, whichever event occurs first. This condition applies to the partial pass result obtained in Part III of LE in 2015 or after. The retention of partial results in Part III Clinical Examination, however, is subject to the condition that the Dental Council of Hong Kong may prohibit any applicant from sitting the Licensing Examination if that applicant has sat any one part of the Licensing Examination 5 times and has failed each time.