Enrolment of Dental Hygienists
Regulation 3 of the Ancillary Dental Workers (Dental Hygienists) Regulations, Cap. 156B, Laws of Hong Kong stipulates the qualification of applicants for enrolment as dental hygienists as follows -
Any person who holds the United Kingdom Minister of Health’s Certificate of Proficiency in Oral Hygiene, or who holds any other certificate or diploma which, in the opinion of the Dental Council, is of an equivalent standard and has been gained following a course of dental training extending over a period of not less than nine months, may apply to the Dental Council for enrolment as a dental hygienist.
The Dental Council may, at its absolute discretion, admit any person to practise as a dental hygienist if it is satisfied that the applicant –
- holds the qualifications specified in regulation 3 of the Regulations; and
- is a fit and proper person to practise as a dental hygienist.
Regulation 6 of the Regulations sets out the scope of dental work that may be undertaken by dental hygienists as follows -
- the cleaning and polishing of teeth;
- the scaling of teeth (that is to say the removal of tartar deposits, accretions and stains from those parts of the surface of the teeth which are exposed or which are directly beneath the free margins of the gums, including the application of medicaments thereto);
- the application to the teeth of solutions of sodium or stannous fluoride or such other similar prophylactic solutions as the Dental Council may from time to time determine;
- the exposure of x-ray films inter-orally or extra-orally for the investigation of lesions or suspected lesions of the mouth, jaws, teeth and associated structures; and
- the giving of advice on matters relating to dental hygiene.
A dental hygienist shall not undertake any form of dental work unless—
- he is enrolled in accordance with regulation 4 of the Regulations;
- he is employed by a registered dentist or by any organization or establishment that has employed at least one registered dentist;
- any patient upon whom he undertakes dental work has first been examined by a registered dentist who has then prescribed the treatment to be carried out by the dental hygienist;
- such dental work is carried out -
- in accordance with the directions of a registered dentist who is available in the premises at all times when such dental work is being carried out; and
- in such premises and under such conditions as are suitable for such work.