Licensing Examination of the Dental Council of Hong Kong |
Period of Assessment Upon Passing Licensing ExaminationFollowing the passage of the Dentists Registration (Amendment) Bill 2024 at the Legislative Council on 10 July 2024, the relevant amendments will come into operation on the day(s) to be appointed by the Secretary for Health by notice published in the Gazette. Pursuant to the Government’s brief to the Legislative Council on the commencement of the amended Dentists Registration Ordinance, Cap. 156, Laws of Hong Kong, issued on 11 December 2024, relevant provisions on provisional registration, internship and period of assessment will take effect from 1 April 2025. Non-locally trained dentists who have passed the Licensing Examination of the Dental Council must have satisfactorily completed a period of assessment (normally lasting 12 months) under the provisional registration mechanism for the purpose of obtaining full registration in Hong Kong. |